Claudia Chagoya

“Shorn: Hair, Mourning, and the Struggle for Justice”, is a project that will explore connections between mourning practices and protest art, through the creation of a ritual and meaningful interactions.
For this project I’m looking for people interested in contributing hair for the creation of art and participating in a conversation related to mourning, social movements, and the pursuit of justice. The conversations and the cutting of the hair will be filmed and both will be part of this new body of work. Filming will take place in Calgary in October 2023. A trained hairstylist will be on site to assist the process.
This is a paid opportunity which includes an honorarium of $335 and a self-care fee of $200 to use at the participants' own discretion.
Deadline to apply: Friday September 22, 2023
To participate:
- A minimum commitment of 5 inches of hair is required.
- To apply please fill out the google form: